for Design


  • CSS for Design
  • Selectors and Syntax of CSS
  • Animations and effects in CSS
  • Creating layouts in web page using CSS

1. CSS for Design, The frosting over the cake

2. Referencing CSS

3. CSS syntax and terminology

4. CSS values and units

5. The color and property values in CSS

6. CSS Selectors

7. CSS Inheritance and specificity

8. CSS Combinators

9. CSS Multiple Background Images

10. CSS Pseudo-class selectors and links

11. CSS Pseudo Elements

12. CSS Box Model

13. Accordion panels only Using CSS

14. CSS Typography for the web

15. CSS Floats

16. CSS Position and z-index

17. CSS Flexbox

18. CSS Grids

19. CSS Responsive Design & Media Queries

20. CSS keyframes

21. CSS Scrolling and Parallax

22. CSS Gradients

23. CSS Clip Paths

24. CSS Variables